Wednesday, November 11, 2015

McDonald's Worker Fired for Cruel Homeless Prank

<span class='image-component__caption' itemprop="caption">Just when the man comes within reach, the unidentified employee is seen splashing a cup of water on him to the amusement of a recording customer.</span>

I don't know who I'm most embarrassed for in the latest viral video. A McDonald's worker offers a homeless man a free sandwich through the drive thru window and subsequently throws a cup of water in his face. Of course, the whole incident is filmed by the worker's friend from his car. 

I suppose the worker deserves to be most ashamed for obvious reasons. Thankfully, McDonald's fired this imbecile the day after the video surfaced on YouTube. 

But then again, the moron filming it from the car A.) Thought it was funny. B.) Couldn't wait to post this senseless video online. Clearly, for thinking something like this to be funny, he has to be classified as a complete and total loser.

The bronze medal for embarrassment has to go to the four parents responsible for creating these two savages. When it comes to teaching their children right from wrong, they failed miserably. I'm not going to show the video, as it's not worth viewing. I do hope assault charges are filed in this case. Also, hoping someone from the neighborhood gets a hold of these two punks and teaches them a lesson.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hillary the ultimate Panderer

Hillary Clinton has proven once again that she will say anything if she thinks it will get her votes. In the latest example, she panders to women in general. She points the finger at the Republicans in Congress for ignoring a "symbolic" resolution regarding the pay disparity between male and female athletes...

First of all, the US Congress has nothing to do with FIFA, the private governing body of international soccer. Just like the NFL and NBA, FIFA can pay it's athletes whatever they want to. The fact is: Internationally, men's soccer brings in much more money in advertising and TV revenue than the women's game. It's like saying a WNBA player should be paid the same as Lebron James because they try equally hard. People pay big money to watch Lebron play and cable companies pay big money for the right to televise his games. It costs 50 cents to go to a WNBA game and NOBODY is watching them on television. 

Senator Lamar Alexander correctly points out that the US Congress has bigger issues to concern itself with than one in which they have no control...

“We have a budget to pass. We have a debt crisis to fix. We have an education system that needs reform,” Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said, as reported by Huffington Post. “That’s what the United States Senate ought to be spending time on, rather than offering opinions and resolutions about a private international entity and how they should award prizes.”

Exactly. And Clinton knows this too. But why let the facts get in the way of a cheap opportunity to make herself look like a champion for women? She is what she is. A liar and a fraud. And fortunately, I believe even most democrats are beginning to see that.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Interesting traveling companion

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A California man found an "interesting" way to circumvent the car pool lane. He traveled with the most interesting man in the world. Unfortunately for him, the state trooper who pulled him over was not impressed by his famous passenger. 

The cardboard passenger was quoted as saying, "I don't usually wear a seat belt. Mainly because I'm non-living and made of wood. Stay thirsty my friends." 

No word on whether the Bartles and Jaymes losers were in the backseat discussing marketing strategies. Thank you for your support.

New York Lawmakers shamelessly seek pay raise

They're at it again. The crooks who run New York State are trying to give themselves a raise in typical underhanded fashion...

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - New York lawmakers say a commission should be appointed to study whether they deserve a pay hike.
The proposal, which is included in the state budget, calls for the creation of a seven-member panel to examine and recommend whether to increase the legislative salary, which is now $79,500 per year.

And I wonder whose going to be appointed that commission? Friends and cronies of the crooks themselves, of course. How come they don't create a commission to study the need for term limits?  Once these bozos get elected, they think the job is theirs for life. These were not intended to be life long positions. 
Hey lawmakers: We know what you're up to, and I hope this blog post finds you. Any raises (no matter how small) will be met with great opposition from the taxpayers (Oh, by the way, the people who pay your salaries). We don't need you and your job is so useless you could be replaced in 24 hours by monkeys. You knew what the job paid when you accepted it. If you're not happy with the pay, please go to the private sector and find out how much your "talents" are worth. That would be zero. All public polls are against you getting Jack Squat. So please go find the nearest cliff in Albany and jump off it!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Redskins no more

Lancaster High School in upstate New York has decided to nix their team nickname. They will no longer be referred to as the Redskins. This is a good move on their part. When it comes to Native American nicknames, Chiefs, Warriors, and Blackhawks are all acceptable. None of them have derogatory connotations. Redskins is basically an ethnic slur. I'm not politically correct by any means, but the name obviously offends a large segment of the Native American population. 

At least two schools with substantial Native American students (Lake Shore and Akron High Schools) cancelled their lacrosse games this Spring over the nickname. Some people are upset about the change and think the School Board has caved in to public pressure. Others feel it's a long overdue change. No word yet on a new nickname for the school, but our sources tell us some potential names being mentioned are the Wiggers, Heebs, Krouts, or Wetbacks.