Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hillary the ultimate Panderer

Hillary Clinton has proven once again that she will say anything if she thinks it will get her votes. In the latest example, she panders to women in general. She points the finger at the Republicans in Congress for ignoring a "symbolic" resolution regarding the pay disparity between male and female athletes...

First of all, the US Congress has nothing to do with FIFA, the private governing body of international soccer. Just like the NFL and NBA, FIFA can pay it's athletes whatever they want to. The fact is: Internationally, men's soccer brings in much more money in advertising and TV revenue than the women's game. It's like saying a WNBA player should be paid the same as Lebron James because they try equally hard. People pay big money to watch Lebron play and cable companies pay big money for the right to televise his games. It costs 50 cents to go to a WNBA game and NOBODY is watching them on television. 

Senator Lamar Alexander correctly points out that the US Congress has bigger issues to concern itself with than one in which they have no control...

“We have a budget to pass. We have a debt crisis to fix. We have an education system that needs reform,” Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said, as reported by Huffington Post. “That’s what the United States Senate ought to be spending time on, rather than offering opinions and resolutions about a private international entity and how they should award prizes.”

Exactly. And Clinton knows this too. But why let the facts get in the way of a cheap opportunity to make herself look like a champion for women? She is what she is. A liar and a fraud. And fortunately, I believe even most democrats are beginning to see that.