Wednesday, November 11, 2015

McDonald's Worker Fired for Cruel Homeless Prank

<span class='image-component__caption' itemprop="caption">Just when the man comes within reach, the unidentified employee is seen splashing a cup of water on him to the amusement of a recording customer.</span>

I don't know who I'm most embarrassed for in the latest viral video. A McDonald's worker offers a homeless man a free sandwich through the drive thru window and subsequently throws a cup of water in his face. Of course, the whole incident is filmed by the worker's friend from his car. 

I suppose the worker deserves to be most ashamed for obvious reasons. Thankfully, McDonald's fired this imbecile the day after the video surfaced on YouTube. 

But then again, the moron filming it from the car A.) Thought it was funny. B.) Couldn't wait to post this senseless video online. Clearly, for thinking something like this to be funny, he has to be classified as a complete and total loser.

The bronze medal for embarrassment has to go to the four parents responsible for creating these two savages. When it comes to teaching their children right from wrong, they failed miserably. I'm not going to show the video, as it's not worth viewing. I do hope assault charges are filed in this case. Also, hoping someone from the neighborhood gets a hold of these two punks and teaches them a lesson.